she/theyhenlo! my full username is kumaneko cohen, (nickname is kupa.) im in your walls!
_____ bhavana r on yt for carrd layout
battleblock theater is best
i gave my pet fly a new water bottle (with holes) to live in while i made this
kumaneko is a nickname for panda! (forgot which country. think they say that somewhere in asia though)
want to be a fictional author
i like crappy game shit
i have a online pet(?) named furfer
cohen (online last name) is the last name of my online father xD
about nothing. am not picky. dont be much of a bitch, dont be weird, your allowed to say things like "kys" sarcastically or smth, allow playful flirting, you can do all caps, dms are open and other shit!! :d :DRUMI'S SO HOT FR >>for some more boundaries